GreenPact Development and Consultancy Services

People. Planet. Inclusive Growth. These are the pillars of our work. We are a purpose driven team working with local communities and various groups to promote inclusive economic growth as an important building-block for a more meaningful, inclusive, and sustained conservation work.  We help build culture-sensitive capacities and tools to develop conservation-based enterprises, to nurture life on land and below water, and help mitigate climate change. We collaborate.  We build partnerships that work - for mutual growth, for nature, for human wellbeing, and for a livable earth for future generations.
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Collaborating for Inclusive Growth, Resilience, and Sustainability

Product Development and Marketing Services

Products and services usually start with an idea. When you work with us, we can help you ground your ideas based on what you have around and inside you. We can work together in identifying resources around or within your community and then the skills, capacities, or systems needed to make those products come to life. Together, we can put in details around your concept and then develop roadmaps for your products’ journey from birth to the market and beyond – like making sure we don’t leave so much trash behind. The roadmap we will build may include bringing in other people, organizations or resources that can help increase our chances of success.
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Organizational and Capacity Development

A local organization usually needs three (3) major skills sets to survive: 1) the skill to pursue its reason for being and to effectively engage within and outside its niche, 2) the skill to manage its activities, operations and resources, and 3) the skill to find the resources it needs to grow and sustain itself, its people and its activities. GreenPact is in the same journey and we would like you to sail with us. Our team has tools and resources that can help enhance your capacities in areas we mentioned above. We can both be a learning organization with science-based processes that can help enhance our business processes, strategies, systems and structures. Who knows, maybe together we can progressively achieve  levels of capacities and competencies that can measure up to or even surpass the standards of some donors!
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Conservation Planning and Management

Your products - raw honey, coffee beans, cashew, fish, sea weeds, sea cucumbers and the other myriad products we get from forests and the oceans are also called “ecosystems goods and services.” That includes the awe-inspiring natural beauties we love taking pictures of, or having selfies with. We can work together to protect and conserve the source of your products, whether it is something tangible like honey or dried fish or something that appeals to the heart and promotes mental health like the beauty of your forests and oceans. We have tools, resources, and linkages to help build your capacity to develop and implement conservation strategies that can help protect, conserve and nurture your natural resources- the very source of your livelihood. Together we can help ensure that the benefits we get from nature now will also be enjoyed by our children and grandchildren- and their grandchildren.
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Carbon Offsets and Mitigations

On December 12, 2015, governments of the world came together in Paris, France to discuss the issue of climate change. There they adopted the Paris Agreement in a meeting called Conference of Parties 21 or COP 21. The Paris Agreement calls for the global community to work together to limit global temperature rise to well below 2 degrees Celsius and to strive for 1.5 degrees Celsius. This means we should all strive harder to keep the warming of our planet to below 2 degrees Celsius since the industrial revolution to avoid further extreme weather conditions like floods, drought, and strong typhoons. At GreenPact, we can help you explore forest-based options to contribute directly to our country’s Nationally Determined Contribution or NDC – the document containing our commitment to the Paris Agreement. We can embark on a journey towards carbon neutrality while helping our forest communities stop deforestation and arrest forest degradation. We can collaborate with our government for your performance-based carbon credits which can also come with some perks like a stronger brand integrity and reputation among employees, consumers and other stakeholders.
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Gender and Rights-based Programming

GreenPact believes that the true success of any initiative happens only when it benefits all stakeholders regardless of gender, age and socio-cultural beliefs.  Our team has been in the forefront of creating an environment where women can meaningfully participate in the design and implementation of development initiatives.  We can work together to facilitate the convergence of resources that could further empower women and allow them to avail of services and support they are entitled to. We can assist you in mainstreaming gender into your programming with appropriate metrics for monitoring and evaluation. Together, we can contribute to addressing inequalities, discriminatory practices and unjust distribution of powers that undermine the potential of people, especially women, in contributing to real, inclusive, and sustainable development.
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Web-based Management System

The current pandemic highlights the need for a more dynamic online tools and management systems that can sustain supply chains of our enterprises. Flourishing home-based online businesses and work-from-home arrangements are testimonies to these new normal modes of doing things. For us at GreenPact, the challenge is how do we systematically and productively bring in our stakeholders into the new digital world? With problems of connectivity and availability of resources, local communities can even be further marginalized. If you work with us, we commit to help you find solutions to connect your stakeholders to your overall initiative through information technology. We can design web-based management systems that would allow you to conduct real time monitoring and reporting for quicker actions and decision-making. An integrated online platform can also help you promote your products and ensure consumer engagement even during shocks like this pandemic.  Yes! Digital Inclusion is the key!
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